There always comes a time within the school semester where you stop and say to yourself, "is it November already?" Not only that, but mid-November is just a few days away. Next thing you know, you'll be waking up with frost on the rooftops and pearly white snow glistening at your doorstep. And this only means one thing. Winter is coming. It's inevitable.

And winter means Christmas, and lots of holiday baking. The scent of spices in the air and the feel of the warm, toasty oven against a bitterly cold day will never fail to comfort me. It's akin to snuggling up in a warm blanket with a big bowl of steaming hot soup. Although I have had a tough couple of weeks, I know that I just need to take a deep breath and take everything one step at a time. Although the brunt of my work has passed (or so it seems), I know there is going to be more in the immediate future.

I know I am committing a cardinal blogging sin, by posting without a picture. But I promise, once I am homeward bound for the holidays (which is not soon enough, unfortunately), postings will most definitely include lots and lots of pictures.

For now, take a deep breath and let it all out.
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